Favorite parts of Winnipeg.
There's always something to love about any place you're living.
Now that I live in the geographical centre of Canada: Winnipeg, Manitoba.
I figured I'd share things I enjoy about Winterpeg:
A. the first snowfall of the season. Gorgeous white tipped trees. Pristine white sidewalks unscathed by dirt and foot prints.
B. Skating at the Forks is the BeeessssT (insert Nacho Libre accent)
I always love going. the Forks is like Granville island if you're from Vancouver, B.C.
A cool trendy market place, with clubs, restaurants. The Forks is the 'fork' where the Assiniboine and Red River meet.
During the Winter in the -50 C the rivers freeze...creating the world's longest outdoor skating rink.
Often they plow the rivers creating skating trails and line it with trees and lights. It's a beautiful way to enjoy the evening air.
When I was single i loved skating hard by myself for a few hours and 5-6kms...now it's even better to enjoy skating holding Julie's hand gliding on a romantic evening skate.
C. Summer time: Farmer's Market
- .50 ear of corn
- spring rolls
- apples that taste like candy.
D. It snows then it's plowed. It's a blessing to have clean streets to drive on unlike Vancouver.
E. Living across the street from a chinese market (WenKai) and the best pizza parlor in Winnipeg. (Romani's pizza)
I'll keep adding to the list.