
The smoking man.

A title I stole from scraps of my memories x-files.

I’ve lived in my building 2 years now. And only 6 months ago we got new downstairs neighbors. No they aren’t loud, and they seem like decent people when we catch each other in the elevator… But the yellow teeth, the twitching stained index and middle fingers clearly reek a message: we are smokers and suck on my 2nd hand smoke.

They smoke all the time! So much so that the 3rd hand smoke seeps into our apartment through the bathroom and kitchen pipes… and those all too familiar apartment holes that run the entire height of the building.

The stench is sickening, not to mention my phobia of lung cancer every time I breathe. This world is so unjust! Not only is it death by puff it’s also murder to any others that are within breathing distance.

I wish people who smoked lived in bubbles like the infamous ‘bubble boy’. Where smokers could infinitely be drowned in what they pollute. I believe it’s only fair for them to be subject to hazardous effects of 1st,2nd and 3rd degree smoke inhalation.

Yeah I know… what a sob story? Insert “poor little bunny” here.

Sad but i have so little compassion for these people... i think it's because i brand them smokers and not people. Wow how unjust of me.


At 9:12 PM, Blogger S. said...

oh. my.

a post after two years.

welcome back!

i was raised on 2nd hand smoke. my dad was a heavy smoker for most of his life. (so i have compassion for them.) 2 packs a day. said it was his biggest regret. but thanks to God's grace he was freed one day and never felt the need to light another.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger S. said...

Also i have a slight form of dyslexia and i swear i thought your blog title said "from my soapbox to your mother" :)

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Justin E. Chan said...

Stef, Thanks for the welcome back. I was wondering if anyone would notice.

I got inspired to convey my thoughts to an open room after watching my regular subscriptions to youtube... I know odd. Youtube a public forum, a request for encouragement...yad yad.
Maybe one day i'll work myself up to record myself for youtube. For now blogger will do.

I love your version of my blog description so much better. I made be laugh.

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Tim said...

whoah just when i was contemplating of deleting your feed from my google reader....poof he's back!

hehe, your rant reminds me of a sketch in a mr bean book...
it showed a tiny shack with a sign "all the smokers in the world" on the door, and it was entirely sealed up except for a tiny pipe on the bottom of the shack. the pipe was connected to a hose which was connected to the exhaust pipe of mr bean's little green mini as it was revving it's engine.

At 3:10 AM, Blogger Mindy said...

I totally agree...have no patience for smokers. People smoke here way more than Canada (I mean, on the street I walk by smokers way more). It's annoying. At least you are not like my grandma, a tiny 80 something woman that yells at youth when she sees them smoking. She smoked for 30 or more years (doesn't anymore) and now has COPD. She yells things like, "I didn't know it was bad when I smoked, it was encouraged, these idiots KNOW all the effects and smoke anyway". She's a feisty one.


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