
Spiritual Dialogue

I really do enjoy dialoguing about spiritual concepts, ideologies, philosophies, person points of view.

I love that my days always include discussions, dialogue and opportunities to share my relationship with Jesus. I believe it's the truth and I think it needs to be lived out and spoken of.



At 4:15 PM, Blogger IndelibleEntity said...

My browser fell upon your blog while I was on the net.

We are each simply a stream of consciousness existing in an infinite "universe" made up of other streams of consciousness. Together, we make up ONE singular stream of consciousness.

Our essence, our consciousness, has no form. It only exists. It is a creative force.

Thoughts and words are created in Mind.

The Mind is a tool that creates. It delivers to us through thought, intuition, and feeling (independent of emotions caused by "moments").

The creations appear in front of our eyes and the body of the Self in the physical, having been caused by the "I".

In terms of energy...We together exist as "specific awarenesses" in one infinite source of energy and exist as individual "vibrations" which change the rest of the energy field. The vibration we are emitting (the vibration we are BEing) is determined by how we are BEing, how we are feeling, and what we are thinking.

The vibrations attract identical vibrations which continue to attract other identical vibrations and this is how physical form takes shape. The physical form enters into our "specific awareness" as a moment in our lives, which we created for ourselves (usually without realizing it...thus the chaos in our world).

Religion (my personal experience comes from Catholicism), in part, teaches that we are all part of one God, creator of all things (including us). We are taught that this God is what delivers to us in our lives the things that we have. We tend to be very grateful to this God.

We are also taught that prayer (a close, silent, private conversation with this God) is a divine connection, a way to ask and be heard, and then to be shown your answer.

There is no judgement from this God. This God responds always and in all ways because it is all that exists.

It encompasses everything. Seen and Unseen. You reap what you sow simply because it is how this God responds. It can only respond with the identical vibration back to you, because that is how this infinite mass of energy exists.

Consciousness is the force behind all that exists and when we learn to become aware of it, understand it, and live it, we experience a new perspective than the one we have been accustomed to all these years...

At 4:30 PM, Blogger IndelibleEntity said...

Just some more food for thought.

Since this God is all that exists, not only are we as BEings a part of it, but every person that we meet, every item we touch, and every moment we experience is also part of the same thing. This God wishes us true abundance and communicates to us through our intuitions and thoughts (the ones NOT affixed with a positive or negative connotation...the ones that are simply thoughts).

Being that this God is "All Knowing" (due to the fact that this God IS EVERYTHING), it is wise to follow our intuitions and our thoughts because they are the communication from the source to us, the instructions for us to follow to lead us to what we most deeply desire.

When we don't follow our intuitions we suffer. When we become attached to the moments in our lives and forget the gifts we were given (SIN), we suffer.

We weren't intended to suffer.

We were intended to create our lives and live abundantly and experience Love and Joy.

To truly experience this, we have to let go of the emotions and thought patterns we have attached to the moments that occur in our life and remember that we are above them. We cause them.

We write our own story before we ever act it out.

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I happen to have it on good authority (i.e. Jesus) that we are not extensions of God, nor are we wholly good but rather are morally corrupted. This is borne out by my daily experience because while my body and mind can naturally yearn for things that are true and good (e.g. delicious food), my body and my mind are capable of lying to me and telling me things - intuitions, perhaps - that are lies (e.g. that I will never be adequately satisfied by the beauty of one woman whom I marry).

My God has taken the step of revealing to me - through the Apostle Paul for example (who apparently saw Jesus [after He was crucified and rose again] on the road to Damascus and was commissioned to bring the Gospel to us non-Jews) - that there is something about my flesh, what I am naturally apart from God supernaturally intervening in my life, that leads me to do wrong things and leads me to death. It basically lies to me.

And so, I am not God, nor am I part of God. In fact, I was a horrible, despicable person - but because God is great and amazing, He saved me and transformed me. Now I am a changed person (who still does horrible things against God, but there's a big difference now). I am a forgiven person. And I am a work in progress (bearing God's handiwork).

But believing that requires the acknowledgment (amongst other things) that I've actually done morally wrong things, and that I'm responsible for that. That it would be fair and just and right for God to condemn me and pour out His wrath on me, if it weren't for Jesus taking the penalty of my sins upon Himself.

So therein lies the pickle.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger IndelibleEntity said...


I absolutely agree with you on at least one point. It's very important for each of us to take responsibility for all of our actions, our thoughts, and our feelings. By taking responsibility and understanding that we TRULY are responsible for ALL things in our life, we have made the first step in moving forward on our spiritual journey.

Question: How can you conclude that you are not a part of God? All over the Bible it is written that we are ONE with God. Therefor, you must be a part of God. Since God is all that exists, it would be impossible for you to exists separate from God.

Although we seemingly have "physical separation", this does not imply that we have a full disconnection from the source.

I understand that the concept--that we are all sinners, lost in this world, in need of repenting and forgiveness from God--is a massive part of some religions, but I have a difficult time digesting why a loving, giving, caring God would judge us as anything other than beautiful. Why would an all-knowing, loving, generous God choose to judge and "send His wrath" upon us?

The "judging" aspect of religion is what really does not resonate with me. In fact, the fear bestowed by religions that you are not good enough, that you are a sinner, that you may or may not be saved, seems to be what causes so many people to be fearful of God, death, and life. To me, it looks like a control mechanism put in place by the religion, rather than "word from God".

In my part of the world, the dominant religion is the LDS faith (Morman). In their religion they are forced (through ridicule by peers, ridicule by church elders, and fear of what will happen in the afterlife) to abide by a specific set of rules to live by. Break the rules, and you aren't allowed in.

...Really? Ok, so if you break any one of this set of "Higher Rules" (created by man, mind you), then your ticket to heaven is revoked? What?! If you break HUMAN-made rules you fail God? Really? It does not add up.

Love the discussion...hope it keeps up!



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