
"Here I am send me"

I was studying with several friends in a common study area at Simon Fraser University when this guy walking down the hall starts shouting, “Hey, does anyone want to talk about God?” My hand shot up and I hollered back, “Yo, over here!” After Dave shared the simple message of the gospel, I decided I needed to put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. God found me, a lost sheep without a Shepherd. Now I will go onto the campuses of the world and find others.

As the end of my undergraduate degree approached, one major questioned lingered. What was I going to do next? For a year and a half I contemplated the idea of a Masters program, entrepreneurship; and even after a few successful interviews I landed a comfy job in a bank. The lure of comfortable living and possessions were tantalizing, yet a deep conviction lay amongst my thoughts. Would I still be able to make an eternal difference with all this ownership?

I came to realize that to make a maximum contribution in helping to fulfill the Great Commission I would need to invest my only asset, (myself) in winning souls into the Kingdom of God. Eternity is longer than a life time and I realized if I wasted my temporal life for temporal possessions, it would all be in vain.

My life will be leveraged to reach people for Jesus Christ. Come partner with me in glorifying God by taking the gospel to university students, building up labourers and sending these transformed lives to help further fulfill the Great Commission.


At 11:06 PM, Blogger Justin E. Chan said...

Yeah, Isaiah 6:7,8 speaks to me!

At 2:46 PM, Blogger S. said...

hey justin, what made you want to talk to dave abt god?


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